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How to Fix Laptop Power Jack without Soldering | Pick Laptop #dcjack #dcinjack #laptopjack #powerjack #jackrepair #laptoprepair #dcinjackrepair #deadlaptop #nocharginglaptop #pluginnotcharging #fixlaptop #fixcharging #fixdcjack #fixdcinjack #fixlaptoppower If your laptop is only detecting charging with rotating the charging pin or bending either one side, or even not detecting at all, it might be happening due to the faulty charger cable, connector, or dc jack (inside the laptop). Read More! How to Fix Laptop Power Jack without Soldering (with Pictures) By Pick Laptop Staff If your laptop is only detecting charging with rotating the charging pin or bending either one side, or even not detecting at all, it might be happening due to the faulty charger cable, connector, or dc jack (inside....


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